Live,they quit their jobs, sell all their property and volunteer in a distant land to give back to other people, spend time with people who are important to them and spend time on things that are really important.
So, why are we waiting for such a big moment to take our huge step? What if you could change everything today? What if you could change everything instantly? Right now this video is on YouTube, on your phone or your laptop, or wherever you are. What could change then? I don't care how good you are, I don't care how talented you are, I don't care how much you work on yourself, there are times when things don't go right, things don't go right. Whatever happens, Murphy's Law will happen. Why knock on your door?
I don’t know why it’s called life and you have to deal with it sometimes your life will fall just like sports, some of the best shooters can’t hit the basket at different times and games, they fall asleep. Do they sit on one side and say: "You know I just didn't hit a basket today" No! They are executing. I advise you if you face any challenge ... Don't be busy, work on your plan, continue to do what you know after evaluating yourself about the situation, keep moving, keep busy. , Keep busy, repeat after me: "Help someone and help yourself because what you are giving is" Find someone who can help you forget for a moment.
See, sometimes the best thing to do is sometimes you just have to back up and go in yourself and I think you need a common thing that we hear over and over again in these messaging speeches, and it’s a simple word but its misunderstood and it "Faith" If you are really going to change, you must first move from an opinion to a belief, and a firm belief in a belief is that you can change, that you are now, that you are living now, that you are What you do, what you don't do, you know you should be, the things you became, the person you became, the person you became, and the result you have.
And all sorts of things are going on right now, all sorts of thoughts are going on right now, all kinds of feelings, but in all of this, in the midst of all this sea of confusion, let me ask you a very simple question, a very basic question: Do you believe that you have the power to change? This is the time we have right now there is only one thing in our lives that we can't recover at once and I'm not talking about money, I'm not talking about material things, I'm talking about time and it's such a unique idea , A unique concept, because when used properly it contains the ingredients for success, happiness, development, enrichment to enrich what we want but at the same time, if neglected it leaves us with very little.
Because every morning when you wake up you will never come back when you have minutes left, you are breathing air that you will never receive again, you have only one chance to receive this gift and every second of it slips away and my statement More important than this moment, there is no more perfect moment, not in a week, not after your promotion, not in 30 years when you retire and plan to relax. Look at the moment, we have this mentality that the future is going to be somehow more meaningful than the present, if we suffer now or if we are dissatisfied now, it will save the best for another time in life.
But the reality is that we are not small, yes! We should work hard, absolutely success comes from effort, hard work, dedication, perseverance but the main thing is to allocate your precious time to work, for the things that make you feel as strong as today, now it’s amazing you don’t want it to end . Today when you take the first step towards the thing of your choice when you want to be who you are never or will never set you apart from yourself there are no ceilings without you, no restrictions, no special needs, there you and what you perform yourself Lets do it, you doorman, you have your feet on the gas paddle.
And it’s so easy to point to someone else, isn’t it? To point to our environment, to blame things above everything, but our own decision, our decision to stick to the status quo, because believe it or not, the place where you are is so easy because wherever you decide, and you are right Accept it as it is, if you want to change, make a change, make a plan and move, go, transform, get out of your head and really think about how lucky we are in the world and survive in this age We can survive with access to all the information we need, a technology that enables development, the freedom to follow any path that is interesting, that can do exactly what we wanted in front of us.
Yet we do not embrace it. Why? Why on earth would we let that happen? There is nothing more important in life than living, nothing makes us feel more enthusiastic, free, happy than following the path we had to follow. Got the courage to overcome obstacles, to face challenges, to be uncomfortable and it’s tough in the beginning, isn’t it? Change is tough, it's not easy to get what you want, it's a period of struggle, of development, but once you get through it, you'll understand what life really is!
It brings our time back to the right idea, our small existence on this planet, a man can get the greatest gift, you will never let it be in vain by default in the future when there is no happiness, from now until your end , Make every trip around the sun better than ever, never deprive your gift of a single moment of sun, cloud or rain. Be the best version of yourself You want to survive Give life to life.
It's all an easy decision to make! ♪♪♪ So, when you imagine the change you want to make in your life, you have to be the person you know you want to be based on the resources and resources you have. What is stopping you from getting up early? What prevents you from making good habits? What is stopping you from cutting people off from your life that you don't know will serve you anymore? This watch is always ticking and one day it will not meet with you in silence and this journey will end and in that moment. When people look at your graveyard.
Do you want them to remember you when they come to your funeral? What kind of influence and legacy do you want to leave behind through your life lessons? And are you really living this lesson every day? Stop waiting for tomorrow, stop waiting for the perfect moment, and start believing now, start dreaming, and create life and the person you want to see. Because as I said at the beginning, tick! Talk! Tick! Talk! ♪♪♪